2016 Santa's Christmas Train - Club - Repaint


Product may vary slightly from image representation.
Santa's Christmas Train
KOC Club


Offered IN 2016 as a KOC
(Keepsake Ornament Club)
Exclusive in RED


A GREEN colored version was
offered to the attendees of
as an Event Exclusive


Design Concept and Art Direction
Edythe Kegrize Train
Overall train structure and runners - Robert Hurlburt
Roof Snowfalke design- Terri Steiger
Snowflake designs on back panel and sides - Tom Best
Face on front - Tracy Larsen
Cow Catcher - Deborah Murray
Snowflake wheels - Valerie Shanks
Lantern - Ken Crow
Bell-Nello Williams
Swirling smoke - Julie Forsyth


Santa - Kristina Gaughran
Dog-Anita Marra Rogers
Bird-Becky Hottel
Mouse-Nina Aube'
Elf in Cab- Robert Chad
Reindeer in Cab - Sharon Visker


Toy sack-Jake Angell
Baseball glove - Tammy Haddix
Plane-Orville Wilson
Guitar-Rodney Gentry
Teddy bear-Ruth Donikowski
Stuffed bunny-Joanne Eschrich


Color and Technical Team:
Susan Wieland,Nita Obbink,
Jennifer Swanson, isa Vogel,
Diana McGehee


Artist: Edythe Kegrize
Size: 5"H x 5 1/2"W x 3"D


Hallmark Keepsake
Christmas Ornament