2022 Young Santa Reusable Tote Bag


Product may vary slightly from image representation.
Tote Bag
Young Santa Reusable


Depiction on the bag shows
a young Santa trying on his
iconic suit for the first time
Running errands in holiday style
with this bag featuring one of a
new Keepsake Christmas tree ornaments


This tote bag boasts sturdy handles
and designed gussets
and is perfect for carrying groceries
library books or Christmas presents to and from events


Also great for use while traveling
during the holidays


Coordinating Young Santa Keepsake Ornament
Artist Sheyda Abvabi,


Sold separately


Size: Approx. 13.75" x 13.75" x 7.75"
with 10" strap drop


Hallmark Keepsake
Tote Bag
Young Santa Reusable