What's In My Cart?

  Product Stock Qty Price
2001 Scooby-Doo - Miniature2001 Scooby-Doo - Miniature
2001 Friendly Elves - Set of two2001 Friendly Elves - Set of two
2013 The Plaza Lights - Limited Kansas City Exclusive2013 The Plaza Lights - Limited Kansas City Exclusive
2008 New Home2008 New Home
2003 Daughter - Penguin2003 Daughter - Penguin
2004 Sweet Tooth Treats 3rd - Angel - DB2004 Sweet Tooth Treats 3rd - Angel - DB
2004 Miniature Fire Brigade 1st - 1929 Chevrolet Fire Engine2004 Miniature Fire Brigade 1st - 1929 Chevrolet Fire Engine
2002 Special Dog - Photo Holder2002 Special Dog - Photo Holder
1997 Hoop Stars 3rd - Magic Johnson - NB1997 Hoop Stars 3rd - Magic Johnson - NB
1988 Folk Art Lamb - Miniature - DB1988 Folk Art Lamb - Miniature - DB
2000 Gold-Star Teacher2000 Gold-Star Teacher
1999 Dad - SDB1999 Dad - SDB
2003 Merriweather2003 Merriweather
1996 Grandpa  SDB1996 Grandpa SDB
1999 Outstanding Teacher1999 Outstanding Teacher
1999 New Home - NPT1999 New Home - NPT
2008 Jugglin Snowman2008 Jugglin Snowman
1999 Queen Amidala - Star Wars: Episode I  - DB1999 Queen Amidala - Star Wars: Episode I - DB
2006 Childs Fifth Christmas - Teddy Bear2006 Childs Fifth Christmas - Teddy Bear
1994 Tou Can Love1994 Tou Can Love
1990 Little Husky - Frosty Friends - Miniature - SBD1990 Little Husky - Frosty Friends - Miniature - SBD
1996 Holiday Barbie 4th - DB1996 Holiday Barbie 4th - DB
2007 New Home2007 New Home
1993 Thimble Bells 4th & Final  - Miniature1993 Thimble Bells 4th & Final - Miniature
2006 Star Trek - The Transporter Chamber2006 Star Trek - The Transporter Chamber
1984 Betsey Clark Angel - DB1984 Betsey Clark Angel - DB
1988 Peek-a-Boo Kitties - NPT1988 Peek-a-Boo Kitties - NPT
2002 Special Cat - Photo Holder2002 Special Cat - Photo Holder
1997 The Clauses on Vacation 1st - Fishing - DB1997 The Clauses on Vacation 1st - Fishing - DB
2008 New Haven Diesel Locomotive - Limited Edition2008 New Haven Diesel Locomotive - Limited Edition
1988 Country Wreath - Miniature - DB1988 Country Wreath - Miniature - DB
2008 Keepsake Dream Book - Club Edition2008 Keepsake Dream Book - Club Edition
1997 Turn of the Century Parade 3rd & Final  - Santa Claus - DB1997 Turn of the Century Parade 3rd & Final - Santa Claus - DB
2005 Christmas Countdown2005 Christmas Countdown
2000 Millennium Snowma'am2000 Millennium Snowma'am
2009 Capucine Barbie - Club Ornament - Special Edition2009 Capucine Barbie - Club Ornament - Special Edition
2002 Mickey's Skating Party2002 Mickey's Skating Party
1981 Friendship - DB1981 Friendship - DB
1999 Child's Fourth Christmas1999 Child's Fourth Christmas
2016 Santa's Workbench - Artist Signing Exclusive2016 Santa's Workbench - Artist Signing Exclusive
1988 Porcelain Bear - 6th  - Cinnamon Bear with Heart - DB1988 Porcelain Bear - 6th - Cinnamon Bear with Heart - DB
2013 A Pony For Christmas - KOC Local Club2013 A Pony For Christmas - KOC Local Club
1988 Folk Art Reindeer - Miniature1988 Folk Art Reindeer - Miniature
2006 Arts & Crafts - Kid Speak2006 Arts & Crafts - Kid Speak

Sub-Total: $447.27

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